Unless the parties agree to a time extension in writing (email, text, etc), the author has 48 hours upon being presented with edits/creations to have 105 Publishing alter them after confirming with 105 Publishing that next steps in the creation process can be taken. If the author makes changes that require extensive time not specified upon approval of edits/creations, additional charges will apply. Upon confirmation of receiving watermarked document, if additional work is requested beyond the scope of the agreed upon service to be completed, (completely new design concept, added text that was not originally submitted, etc) additional charges will apply. Unless the parties agree to a time extension in writing, upon the author/client receiving the unwatermarked document, the author/client will have 24 hours to review. Any updates to manuscript after uploaded for print/ebook/audiobook that are requested will result in additional charges starting at $50 and may increase depending on the number of edits requested. When formatting manuscript only with no editing services required from 105 Publishing, it will be assumed that manuscript has already been professionally edited. If editing changes are requested, a charge of $25 will be applied to each request.
When hiring one of our narrators for audiobook, upon first payment the author/client will receive a five-minute recording of their manuscript from our narrator. This will be the opportunity for the author/client to mention any changes that they desire to include elevation or reduction in pitch, speed, or tonality. The sample will not exceed three recordings. Once recording begins, 105 Publishing will give snippets of different sections of the book to let the author/client know how everything is going. Once the audiobook is completed, 105 Publishing will have to be paid in full to receive final edited recordings. If any editing errors are seen in the manuscript, 105 Publishing will not edit the manuscript unless editing/proofreading services have been agreed upon previously. Final recordings will be sent via respective chapter titles (introduction, acknowledgments, chapter one, etc.).
If the author/client is narrating their own manuscript, 105 Publishing is only focused on the quality of the recording, not the actual manuscript itself. The author/client will send the recorded files titled by their respective chapters. If we are unable to understand a portion of the recording due to pitch, volume, tonality, etc., 105 Publishing will ask the author to record the section again.
At no point in time will the services provided by 105 Publishing be completed for free.
Any disruption in timeline requirements or timely payment of agreed-upon fees by author/client may result in delays, and/or additional fees of $50 per late month that's missed, if alternative payment arrangements have not been made with 105 Publishing. Once manuscript has been published, if there are any requests by author/client to alter manuscript that weren't due to errors made by 105 Publishing, additional charges will apply.